A letter from CAK
If you are insured by us, it’s possible that you will receive a letter from the CAK claiming you are not insured.
This happens because you are exempt from the long-term care act because of your income from a foreign employer. Because of this, CZ can not add you to SVB’s database. The SVB is then unable to find your information, but they are not aware of your exemption status.
If you receive this letter, you will have to fill out the form "request for assessment of Wlz insurance position". You can send this to the SVB.
Sociale Verzekeringsbank
Postbus 18607
3501 CR Utrecht
The current private healthcare policy you have with CZ stays in effect. If you receive a letter from the CAK, you remain insured.
Does the SVB tell you that you do in fact fall under the long-term care act? Please let us know as soon as possible